On or about June 13, 2007, Crossing Guard Eamestine Lewis pled guilty to violating Title 18 U.S.C. 641 for theft of government funds in that from in or around June 2001 through in or around February 2005 she embezzled, and/or stole, and/or purloined and/or knowingly converted to her own use or the use of another, vouchers and/or money and/or things of value from the Housing Choice Voucher Program through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, which she was not entitled to receive, and on or
about September 6, 2007, she was sentenced to four years of Federal
Probation and/or ordered to pay approximately $38,679.00 in restitution,
thereby, impeding the Department's efforts to achieve its policy and goals and/or bringing discredit upon the Department.